Should you relax your no pet policy? Earlier this year, the Labour party revealed plans to change the law so that tenants will have the right to keep pets, as long as they don’t cause a nuisance. The
Licencing schemes – more and more Local authorities(LA) are seeing these schemes up! How should landlords apply for a LA license? There are different types of licensing and each council has the option
Many landlords have the same problem of voids periods and this is a concern for people who are considering to be a landlord…some voids periods are inevitable but here are 5 ways to try and avoid those
Where is the right place to base your business? The answer to this is there is no right place to set up your business, it really depends on what stage of your venture you are at…. Working from home is
A redress scheme is basically a scheme that allows customers a way to move forward with any complaints against a company. If that customer doesn’t feel that the company is dealing with their complaint
One of the latest proposals that has come from the labour party is a possible insistence in policy that landlords can no longer disallow pets. Landlords are known for saying ‘NO’ to tenants having